Hate to post this, but I am googled out and tried many different options with no success.

Basically I would like to GET a page with the status of 10 lights and turn on/off the corresponding lights. The Arduino is getting the results and posting the string in the serial monitor, but the string is not triggering my if statements. Not sure if I am using the wrong function to parse the string or my if statements are incorrect.

Here is the output of the GET, which posts in the serial monitor (printing readString):

Light1:1 Light2:0 Light3:0 Light4:0 Light5:0 Light6:1 Light7:0 Light8:1 Light9:0 Light10:0

Here is the last thing I tried in the sketch, with an if statement for each light:

if (readString.indexOf("Light1:1">0)) 
    digitalWrite(light1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(light1, LOW);  

What function would you use? What am I doing wrong? Restructuring the output of the page is also an option.

  • 1
    Seems like an easier format would just be 10 1s or 0s all in a row...that's easier to parse (but less flexible or extensible).
    – nneonneo
    Sep 12, 2012 at 2:34
  • I tried changing the output to just 1s and 0s. Seems more efficient and flexibility isn't an issue here. I used readString.substring(1,1) == "1" for each position, still no luck. Sep 12, 2012 at 20:32

2 Answers 2


Possible typo... you've got your comparison inside the .indexOf() call. Did you mean

if (readString.indexOf("Light1:1") >= 0) 
  • Yahtzee! :-) You were correct my indexOf statement was not formatted correctly. Sep 12, 2012 at 23:51

The string will start at position 0. Use >= 0

  • and you'll get a value of -1 if not found.
    – ViennaMike
    Sep 12, 2012 at 16:31
  • Tried the solution, still no luck. Sep 12, 2012 at 20:33

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