Is there any way to check an NSImage's color type in OBJC? I wanna know whether the image is GrayScale or RGB. Any suggestions would help, thanks~

1 Answer 1


If you can get the image's color space (possibly from its underlying CGImage) you could determine the number of components in it. If its < 3 you have a monochrome image.

However an image could still be monochrome and have a color color space.

  • Thank's a lot! I've found the solution following your advice. I can change the NSImage into NSBitmapImageRep, and there's a property called "colorSpaceName" for NSBitmapImageRep. It will return a NSString which indicates the color space type of the image. That's actually what I want! Thanks!
    – LYTTE_LJ
    Sep 17, 2012 at 7:21
  • As long as you know the source of your image will always use a monochrome color space. Personally I wouldn't use the name of the color space since that could change in the future--number of components should be accurate.
    – nielsbot
    Sep 17, 2012 at 17:16

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