I'm a beginner to Cygwin. If I have:

cat output.txt | rm output.txt

I want to print out the results before I delete the file, but the results don't print even though these commands work find when inputted into Cygwin separately. Similarly:

grep -c 'ps' count.tmp | rm count.tmp

I want to show the results of grep -c 'ps' count.tmp before the count.tmp file is removed.

2 Answers 2


Don't pipe them.

Do this instead:

cat output.txt ; rm output.txt
grep -c 'ps' count.tmp ; rm count.tmp

Edit: The pipe (|) takes the standard output of one command and runs it into the standard input of another... like this:

# Get the number of lines
cat output.txt | wc -l 


echo "Hello there" | tr -d' '

To JOIN commands, use either ; or &&

The ; will run the commands one after the other

echo Hi ; false; echo there

The && will run the next command only if the previous command exited with a zero status code (success).

echo Hi && false && echo there

Piped commands can be run in any order, so there is no guarantee that the rm command won't be run first. Use

cat output.txt && rm output.txt

which will only remove the file if the cat command succeeds.

  • 1
    This is an important distinction for people coming from a Windows/DOS background, where piped commands do run in order, passing stdio around in temporary files. Sep 18, 2012 at 2:02

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