I want to integrate HP qc with my rails application, on linux OS, anybody worked on any api or ruby gem?

Thanks in advance.

Anurag Saxena.

2 Answers 2


checkout this post:

Rails Activeresource Integration

I have since rewrote the application controller as the following:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  helper_method :Sessions

  $HPQC_HOST = "http://hpqc.example.com:8080"
  $HPQC_REST_URL = "#{$HPQC_HOST}/qcbin/rest/domains/<your_domain>/projects/<your_project>"
  $HPQC_LOGIN_URL = "#{$HPQC_HOST}/qcbin/authentication-point/authenticate"
  $HPQC_LOGOUT_URL = "#{$HPQC_HOST}/qcbin/authentication-point/logout"

  def allow_cross_domain_access
    response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*"
    response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = "*"
    response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = "x-requested-with"

  def getAuthenticatedCurl
    @conn = Curl::Easy.new($HPQC_LOGIN_URL)
    @conn.verbose = true
    @conn.http_auth_types = :basic
    @conn.userpwd = '<your_username>:<your_password>'
    @conn.enable_cookies = true
    @conn.cookiejar = 'cookies.txt'
    @conn.perform #creates the first cookie instance, which allows subsequent calls to the HPQC API
    #return _conn
    puts "connected...."

Simply put these methods is your RoR app's ApplicationController and then call them from each of your Controllers to access HPQC. Then build an XML request and use the Curl::Easy Gem(i.e., @conn.post_body) to post the request to HPQC.

I plan on building an HPQC Gem to configure and initialize HPQC requests but that'll take me a little time!


I guess there are some limitations of the QC OTA library that prevents the direct implementation with ROR. but there seems to be a work-around. Check out the link below.

Rails App Integration with HPQC (HP Quality Centre)

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