I am learning Linux module programming. I work on Ubuntu 12.04. I made a module, namely start.c, and saved it in home/documents/module_prog.

Then I made the following makefile (I am not acquainted with makefiles so I just did what the tutorial told me to):

obj-m += start.o

KDIR = /usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.0-31-generic-pae

    make -C $(KDIR) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modules

    rm -rf *.o *.ko *.mod.* *.symvers *.order

But, now when I type make in the terminal, a message is displayed which says

  make: Nothing to be done for `all'.

Please tell me what is wrong?

  • 2
    Do you have a file called all in your working directory?
    – Carl Norum
    Sep 23, 2012 at 22:13
  • Since you're on Linux, what happens if you use make -B? This assumes everything is out of date and should execute the command, even if you have a file or directory called all. Sep 24, 2012 at 0:38

1 Answer 1


Make sure that the commands for a make target are intended with a tab, not spaces. I.e.

<tab>make -C $(KDIR) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modules

Otherwise the all target will be empty, and thus nothing is to be done.

  • 1
    Missing the tab would be invalid makefile syntax, and should generate a "missing separator" error, rather than what the OP is seeing.
    – Carl Norum
    Sep 23, 2012 at 22:14
  • If I copy the above Makefile into my Ubuntu 12.04 installation, it complains about missing separator on line 9 (the clean). If I fix that but leave the spaces in line 6, there are no errors but exactly the message avinash mentioned.
    – dseifert
    Sep 23, 2012 at 22:17
  • Sounds like you're on the right track then. I'm surprised it lets you get away with that.
    – Carl Norum
    Sep 23, 2012 at 22:19
  • 1
    It probably considers the SUBDIRS=$(PWD) part as an assignment. At least if you remove the = you get the warning.
    – dseifert
    Sep 23, 2012 at 22:23
  • 1
    Rather astonishingly, if you add $(info $(origin make -C $(KDIR) SUBDIRS)) to the makefile, you'll see that a variable of that name has indeed been assigned to. Sep 24, 2012 at 10:35

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