I am facing a problem in formatting the output of a query:

  SELECT i.product AS "Product Line",
  COUNT(i.incident_id) "Count Of Tickets",
  TRUNC((SUM(NVL(RSSEC,0) - NVL(WCTSEC,0))/COUNT(i.incident_id)) / 86400)
  || ':'
  || TRUNC(MOD(((SUM(NVL(RSSEC,0) - NVL(WCTSEC,0))/COUNT(i.incident_id)) / 3600),24))
  || ':'
  || TRUNC(MOD(((SUM(NVL(RSSEC,0) - NVL(WCTSEC,0))/COUNT(i.incident_id)) / 60),60))
  || ':'
  || TRUNC(MOD((SUM( NVL(RSSEC,0) - NVL(WCTSEC,0))/COUNT(i.incident_id)),60)) AS "MTTR"
FROM info i; 

where RSSEC-Total RSeconds(type number)
WCTSEC- Total WSeconds(type number)

Current Output:
TTPLL       8   2:4:0:18
ASDASDADD   1   0:0:9:0
UASDF       2   0:0:0:8
ERTEU       4   0:3:0:46
Expected Output:
TTPLL       8   02:04:00:18
ASDASDADD   1   00:00:09:00
UASDF       2   00:00:00:08
ERTEU       4   00:03:00:46

Can anyone help me out to achieve the above format?

Please let me know for any alternative solution to get above output format other than truncate position.

Thanks in advance,

  • What database vendor (Oracle, MS SQL Server, mySQL) are you using? Have you looked at their SQL documentation for format functions? Sep 25, 2012 at 11:32

1 Answer 1


I don't know which RDBMS this is, so I'm guessing, but how about this one?

  SELECT i.product AS "Product Line",
  COUNT(i.incident_id) "Count Of Tickets",
  RIGHT('0' || TRUNC((SUM(NVL(RSSEC,0) - NVL(WCTSEC,0))/COUNT(i.incident_id)) / 86400), 2)
  || ':'
  || RIGHT('0' || TRUNC(MOD(((SUM(NVL(RSSEC,0) - NVL(WCTSEC,0))/COUNT(i.incident_id)) / 3600),24)), 2)
  || ':'
  || RIGHT('0' || TRUNC(MOD(((SUM(NVL(RSSEC,0) - NVL(WCTSEC,0))/COUNT(i.incident_id)) / 60),60)), 2)
  || ':'
  || RIGHT('0' || TRUNC(MOD((SUM( NVL(RSSEC,0) - NVL(WCTSEC,0))/COUNT(i.incident_id)),60)), 2) AS "MTTR"
FROM info i; 

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