base on msdn pages, when we declare a delegate we do need to specify return value and also argument of the method that would be called via delegate.

my question:

let's say I have a method as:

public int MethodA(bool bValue) and also void MethodB(int iValue)

Do I need to declare two different delegates here for each method or I can do it using one?


3 Answers 3


Do I need to declare two different delegates here for each method or I can do it using one?

Since these methods have completely different signatures, you need different delegates. However, you can use the built-in Func<bool, int> and Action<int> delegates instead of declaring your own delegate types.

For example, you could use:

Func<bool,int> delegateA = this.MethodA;

Action<int> delegateB = this.MethodB;
// or:  Action<int> delegateB = new Action<int>(this.MethodB);

The point of declaring delegates in the first place is so that you could call a method without seeing its declaration. That is why you need a different delegate type for each function signature that you are planning to call indirectly through a delegate.

  • as you said "calling a method without seeing its declaration". That sounds very interesting but the msdn page I'm reading says we must declare number/type of argument(s) and also return type of method. So how does it work? I'm still not clear about whole delegate thing
    – amit kohan
    Oct 9, 2012 at 1:09
  • @amitkohan Declaring a delegate is not the same as declaring a method. By declaring a delegate you specify what methods can be passed for that delegate without declaring these methods, only their signature (parameter types + the return type). Oct 9, 2012 at 1:21

Instead of defining a separate method and then using a delegate variable to point to it, you can shorten the code using an anonymous method.

   class Program{
   delegate void MethodsDelegate(string Message);
   static void Main(string[] args){
   MethodsDelegate method = delegate(string Message){
   //---call the delegated method---
 method("Using anonymous method.");
  • Thanks for the time you took to show me this snippet but I'm not following the method we have here. What is its return value? I guess its argument is string so its return value could be void?
    – amit kohan
    Oct 9, 2012 at 1:15
  • @amitkohan because it's return value is void you should note that no value is returned from the anonymous method. Oct 9, 2012 at 1:21

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