I'm still learning LINQ and have a task where I need to group Booking objects by four properties and then by weekly intervals depending on the input timerange.

public class Booking
    public string Group { get; set; }
    public BookingType Type { get; set; }
    public BookingStatus Status { get; set; }
    public decimal Price { get; set; }
    public bool Notification { get; set; }
    public DateTime Date { get; set; }

Let's say we have the following Bookings:

        IList<Booking> Bookings = new List<Booking>
            new Booking{Group = "Group1", Type = BookingType.Online, Status = BookingStatus.New, Price = 150, Date = new DateTime(2012,06,01)},
            new Booking{Group = "Group1", Type = BookingType.Online, Status = BookingStatus.New, Price = 100, Date = new DateTime(2012,06,02)},
            new Booking{Group = "Group1", Type = BookingType.Online, Status = BookingStatus.New, Price = 200, Date = new DateTime(2012,06,03)},

            new Booking{Group = "Group2", Type = BookingType.Phone, Status = BookingStatus.Accepted, Price = 80, Date = new DateTime(2012,06,10)},
            new Booking{Group = "Group2", Type = BookingType.Phone, Status = BookingStatus.Accepted, Price = 110, Date = new DateTime(2012,06,12)},

            new Booking{Group = "Group3", Type = BookingType.Store, Status = BookingStatus.Accepted, Price = 225, Date = new DateTime(2012,06,20)},

            new Booking{Group = "Group3", Type = BookingType.Store, Status = BookingStatus.Invoiced, Price = 300, Date = new DateTime(2012,06,21)},
            new Booking{Group = "Group3", Type = BookingType.Store, Status = BookingStatus.Invoiced, Price = 140, Date = new DateTime(2012,06,22)},

That would result in the following lines on the final printout:

                                        Week 22     Week 23     Week 24     Week 25     Week 26
                                        May28-Jun3  Jun4-10     Jun11-17    Jun18-24    Jun25-Jul1
            Group   Type    Status      Cnt. Price  Cnt. Price  Cnt. Price  Cnt. Price  Cnt. Price
            Group1  Online  New         3   450     0   0       0   0       0   0       0   0
            Group2  Phone   Accepted    0   0       1   80      1   110     0   0       0   0
            Group3  Store   Accepted    0   0       0   0       0   0       1   225     0   0       
            Group3  Store   Invoiced    0   0       0   0       0   0       2   440     0   0           

I have created 2 additional classes to represent a line with the possibility to include any number of weeks:

 public class GroupedLine
    public string Group { get; set; }
    public BookingType Type { get; set; }
    public BookingStatus Status { get; set; }
    public List<WeeklyStat> WeeklyStats { get; set; } 

public class WeeklyStat
    public DateTime WeekStart { get; set; }
    public decimal Sum { get; set; }
    public int Count { get; set; }

If I have the following time period:

        var DateFrom = new DateTime(2012, 05, 28);
        var DateTo = new DateTime(2012, 7, 01);

Firstly, I need to identify what weeks are necessary in the statistics: in this case week 22-26.

For that I have the following code:

        var DateFrom = new DateTime(2012, 05, 28);
        var DateTo = new DateTime(2012, 7, 01);

        var firstWeek = GetFirstDateOfWeek(DateFrom, DayOfWeek.Monday);
        IList<DateTime> weeks = new List<DateTime> { firstWeek };

        while(weeks.OrderByDescending(w => w).FirstOrDefault().AddDays(7) <= DateTo)
            weeks.Add(weeks.OrderByDescending(w => w).FirstOrDefault().AddDays(7));

And now, I'd need some LINQ magic to do the grouping both by the 4 properties and the aggregation (count of bookings and sum of prices) for the weeks.

I can attach code sample of the LINQ I got so far tomorrow, as I don't have access to it now. Sorry for the long post, hope it's clear what I mean.

Edit: 2012-11-07 I have to modify the question a bit, so that the grouped weeks only include those weeks, that actually have data. Updated example output:

                                        May28-Jun3  Jun4-10     Jun18-24    
            Group   Type    Status      Cnt. Price  Cnt. Price  Cnt. Price  
            Group1  Online  New         3   450     0   0       0   0       
            Group2  Phone   Accepted    0   0       1   80      0   0       
            Group3  Store   Accepted    0   0       0   0       1   225             
            Group3  Store   Invoiced    0   0       0   0       2   440         

In this case there were no Bookings in period Jun 11-17 and Jun25-Jul1 so they are omitted from the results.

3 Answers 3


This query will get all data

var query = from b in Bookings
            where b.Date >= dateFrom && b.Date <= dateTo
            group b by new { b.Group, b.Type, b.Status } into g
            select new GroupedLine()
                Group = g.Key.Group,
                Type = g.Key.Type,
                Status = g.Key.Status,
                WeeklyStats = (from b in g
                                let startOfWeek = GetFirstDateOfWeek(b.Date)
                                group b by startOfWeek into weekGroup
                                orderby weekGroup.Key
                                select new WeeklyStat() 
                                    WeekStart = weekGroup.Key,
                                    Count = weekGroup.Count(),
                                    Sum = weekGroup.Sum(x => x.Price)


I leave UI output to you :)

This will also return WeekStats for all weeks (with 0 values, if we do not have booking groups on some week):

// sequence contains start dates of all weeks
var weeks = Bookings.Select(b => GetFirstDateOfWeek(b.Date))
                    .Distinct().OrderBy(date => date);

var query = from b in Bookings
            group b by new { b.Group, b.Type, b.Status } into bookingGroup
            select new GroupedLine()
               Group = bookingGroup.Key.Group,
               Type = bookingGroup.Key.Type,
               Status = bookingGroup.Key.Status,
               WeeklyStats = (from w in weeks
                              join bg in bookingGroup 
                              on w equals GetFirstDateOfWeek(bg.Date) into weekGroup
                              orderby w
                              select new WeeklyStat() 
                                  WeekStart = w,
                                  Count = weekGroup.Count(),
                                  Sum = weekGroup.Sum(b => b.Price)    

Keep in mind, that if you need date filter (from, to), then you need to apply it both to weeks query and bookings query.

  • Hey, this looks great! Just a small thing: might be easier for UI purposes if all GroupedLines would have WeeklyStats for all the weeks (even with 0 values).. How would I need to modify the query?
    – akrobet
    Oct 17, 2012 at 19:47
  • Hello again! One additional task I have and I seem to block when it comes to linq, is to create a summary line with the sum of sums and counts, this time grouped by the weeks they are in. So e.g. week 25 would result in Total: Count: 3 Sum: 665. It could take the result of previous query or just the bookings again...
    – akrobet
    Oct 19, 2012 at 11:18
  • @akrobet I think you can create new question for this :) Also specify there what have you tried to do Oct 19, 2012 at 11:27
  • Heh, after some coffee I figured out it's basically the same query as the WeeklyStats from your solution, without grouping them first...
    – akrobet
    Oct 19, 2012 at 13:42
  • @akrobet congratulations :) You did one more step in knowing Linq! Oct 19, 2012 at 13:45
var query = Bookings.GroupBy(book => new GroupedLine()
    Group = book.Group,
    Type = book.Type,
    Status = book.Status
.Select(group => new
    Line = group.Key,
    Dates = group.GroupBy(book => GetWeekOfYear(book.Date))
        .Select(innerGroup => new
            Week = innerGroup.Key,
            Count = innerGroup.Count(),
            TotalPrice = innerGroup.Sum(book => book.Price)

public static int GetWeekOfYear(DateTime date)
    return date.DayOfYear % 7;
  • Appreciate the answer, chose @lazyberezovsky's because it worked out of the box.
    – akrobet
    Oct 17, 2012 at 20:37

This variant generates "empty" spots for weeks with no data:

// I group by week number, it seemed clearer to me , but you can change it
var firstWeek = cal.GetWeekOfYear(DateFrom, dfi.CalendarWeekRule, dfi.FirstDayOfWeek);
var lastWeek  = cal.GetWeekOfYear(DateTo, dfi.CalendarWeekRule, dfi.FirstDayOfWeek);

var q = from b in Bookings
        group b by new { b.Group, b.Type, b.Status }
        into g
        select new 
            Group = g.Key,
            Weeks = 
                from x in g
                select new 
                    Week = cal.GetWeekOfYear(x.Date,
                    Item = x 
        } into gw
        from w in Enumerable.Range(firstWeek, lastWeek-firstWeek+1) 
        select new 
            Week = w,
            Item = from we in gw.Weeks
                   where we.Week == w
                   group we by we.Item.Group into p 
                   select new 
                       Sum = p.Sum (x => x.Item.Price),
                       Count = p.Count()
  • Thanks for the reply, chose @lazyberezovsky's because it was more clear to me.
    – akrobet
    Oct 17, 2012 at 20:36
  • No problem, actually I realized I didn't know about a small detail that in @lazyberezovsky's answer is clear, and it helps building a cleaner expression, I learned something new :)
    – Wasp
    Oct 17, 2012 at 21:17

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