I have result php page with a html table. Inside row[3] i have spoilers. if i click on a text value i can see hidden content.
Inside hidden content i have links on different lines
To make this:
- I insert text inside mysql textarea, so:

enter image description here
- Then I add javascript code in <head>section

<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
   <script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
        $(".spoiler-label").click(function() {

- and then php code:

echo '<td><span class="spoiler-label">'.$row[1].'</span><div class="spoiler-content" style="display: none"><br><a href='.$row[3].'<a/></div><td>';

- To break the text in new lines i use this php code:

    $row['3']=str_replace('<br />',"newline",$row['3']);

i obtain this final result:

enter image description here

but you can see the problems:

- formatting is missing because the <th> of row X is black and not orange
- the links inside the spoiler are 2 but are treated as if they are one link.
- i have not correctly link because google.com is http://google.com<br WHY?
You can see 2 links:
but if i click over http://alfa.com the link is always http://google.com<br
I want:
-remove <br from link
-separate one link into different links (alfa.com & google.com)
-repair incorrect row formatting

This is my page complete code http://pastebin.com/zb22VqwD and this css http://pastebin.com/dFRFURGM

  • -1 for long non-abstracted localised question; +1 for the effort of putting together a complete post with annotated graphics! Oct 22, 2012 at 13:17

2 Answers 2


first off, your 1 line php code echo is wrong (u didnt close <a>). The css didnt work because of this.

(i removed the first echo)

second, an <a> tag cannot have another <a> tag inside it, so you should just remove the whole <a> from your code above, meaning it should be:

echo '<td><span class="spoiler-label">'.$row[1].'</span><div class="spoiler-content" style="display: none"><br>'.$row[3].'</div><td>';

then, when instead of for some reason changing ur correct <br/>'s into the old version <br> tag, use the tag to create an array:

$ary=explode('<br />',$row['3']);
foreach($ary as $str2){
$str.="<a href=\"$str2\">$str2</a><br/>";

and then echo $str into the row,

Your code should be:

$row['3']=str_replace('<br />',"newline",$row['3']);
foreach($ary as $str2){
    $str.="<a href=\"$str2\">$str2</a><br/>";
  • Can u show me with my code, please? i don't undestand how code, thanks for help anyway
    – user143822
    Oct 22, 2012 at 13:06
  • now the links are separated but i have still css problems and i have double links? look here imageshack.us/a/img266/8265/solmk.png this is my code updated pastebin.com/v0ysisex What did I do wrong?
    – user143822
    Oct 22, 2012 at 13:24
  • i don't change <br/> into <br> could be? if so, in what sense do I change it into <br>?, what part of the code you're referring to?
    – user143822
    Oct 22, 2012 at 13:31
  • actually u accidently put double the code..see my changes again. at the top, and bottom
    – we.mamat
    Oct 22, 2012 at 13:34
  • mm..something seems to have improved, but still have some problems with the double link on download column download link and with css, look please imageshack.us/a/img713/7875/css2o.png with your correction pastebin.com/a3z4hpM4 what's wrong?
    – user143822
    Oct 22, 2012 at 13:39

You are use beolow code:

$row['3']=str_replace('<br />',"newline",$row['3']);

Instead of above code use below:

$row['3']=str_replace('<br />',"newline",$row['3']);

Just replace first line to second and second line to first..just try...hope this help..

  • mmm..if i try to replace Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'echo' (T_ECHO) in C:\xampp\htdocs\test2\test\zzz\risultati0.php on line 127 is normal?
    – user143822
    Oct 22, 2012 at 13:01

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