I am using UDP sockets to connect many clients to one server. After recvfrom()ing a client's login packet, I store their struct addrinfo * in an array like so:

struct addrinfo * userAddrs[64];

recvfrom(sockfd, req, 4096, 0, serverAddr->ai_addr, &serverAddr->ai_addrlen);
userAddrs[userindex] = (struct addrinfo *) malloc(sizeof(struct addrinfo));
memcpy(userAddrs[userindex], serverAddr, sizeof(struct addrinfo));

Then the the server receives messages from clients and sends it to everyone on that channel:

// user x channel matrix. 1 means listening on that channel.
int userchannel_matrix[64][64];
for(int i = 0; i < 64; i++){
    if(userchannel_matrix[i][channelindex] == 1){
       sendto(sockfd, &textsay, sizeof (struct text_say), 0, userAddrs[i]->ai_addr, userAddrs[i]->ai_addrlen);

However, this ends up sending all of the messages to one client. Ex: If three clients are subscribed to channel 4 and one of them sends a message, that client will receive all 3 messages instead of each client receiving one. What am I doing wrong here?

  • 1
    Shouldn't you be using the sockaddr family of structures? struct addrinfo is for use with getaddrinfo only.
    – goji
    Oct 28, 2012 at 23:56
  • I used addrinfo for my client to send messages to the server and it worked fine. My server can also send messages to the clients. Oct 28, 2012 at 23:59
  • 2
    Well, there must be something going wrong with your userAddrs array and the data it contains. Have you tried printing out the ip/ports in presentation format and seeing what the go is? Also in the code sample you've provided, I don't see userindex being incremented. Is this being done 'outside' the sample?
    – goji
    Oct 29, 2012 at 0:02
  • Is there an easy way to print those out, or do I have to go grab each individual value for a printf()? Also yes, userindex is found based on the IP and port of the client, by looking at the serverAddr from the call to recvfrom(). Oct 29, 2012 at 0:05
  • 1
    Use inet_ntop and ntohs like: stackoverflow.com/questions/13105713/… Altho this uses some C++ and is ipv4 specific, you get the idea.
    – goji
    Oct 29, 2012 at 0:08

2 Answers 2


The basic problem is that struct addrinfo contains a pointer to a struct sockaddr, which you have clearly only initialized once. So every recvfrom() overwrites the same piece of sockaddr data (addrinfo.ai_addr), and every userAddr[] item points to the same one.

As @Troy suggested, you should be using struct sockaddr. Or else allocate all the addrinfo structures in the array first,, each with its own struct sockaddr *ai_addr pointers.

  • Found this out as soon as you posted it, I forgot that there were pointers even within the addrinfo struct... thanks! Oct 30, 2012 at 3:07

In addition to what others said, what you are implementing is basically a manual multicast, so why not just use an actual multicast instead? That way, your server can `sendto() a single message to a single multicast IP group, and the OS will handle sending copies of the message to every client that has subscribed to that multicast IP group for you.

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