With .NET Reflector we can see many .NET Class Library method's implementations.

But is it possible to debug them as well? Or if I can put a break point inside them?

  • As pointed out you can debug into the .NET framework using Microsofts published symbols...you're unlikely to have debug symbols for other 3rd Party libraries you might use. One piece of advice though, use the .NET framework debugging symbols to work out what you've done wrong...don't use them to identify bugs in the framework because almost without fail it'll be your fault :-) Aug 24, 2009 at 13:21

5 Answers 5


Not with that, but you can with this:



It is possible to debug .NET framework code.



This post might be helpful to you.


The best option is to follow the instructions in the blog post silky and Frederik have supplied.

For completeness, you can also use an addin for Reflector called deblector, or wait until .Net Reflector Pro (or here) is released, which will let you do exactly what you've described.


With Visual Studio 2005 I had to use the Mass Downloader to get the code and the symbols. Then configure it as the VS 2008, and load the debugging symbols manually from the file (right click on the call stack).

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