I have a program with a bunch of fields in a single panel, both labels and text fields. I needed to separate them somehow with a line to make it easier to read.

I have the panel built with SpringLayout. I was wondering if there is an easy way to create a horizontal line in SpringLayout without dividing the panel into 2, and adding a divider panel in between them.


1 Answer 1


I think the best practice would be creating another JPanel, but if I correctly understood your problem, maybe an alternative can be create a JSeparator:

JSeparator separator = new JSeparator(SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL);
separator.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200,3));
  • Thank you, I tried using JSeparator but nothing was showing up, but I wasn't putting a size on it so I guess the size defaulted to 0? But doing what you said did create a horizontal line the way i needed. Thanks a bunch! :)
    – Caveman42
    Nov 5, 2012 at 18:03

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