If I wanted to do a "most liked" article query in neo 4j, where "liked" is a relationship between user and article, would the best way be to:

  1. Keep a totalLikes count property in the article itself and do a sort on that property in a cypher query? That property would be updated everytime somone liked an article.


  1. Keep an index with totalLikes for each article. I would have to delete and re-add the index entry every time the article was liked.

I think I read in the documentation that queries cannot be sorted on total relationships count .

1 Answer 1


So, you can do:

start user=node(*)
match user-[rel:liked]->article
return count(rel) as likeCount, article
order by likeCount desc;


  • how is the peroformance on this query. Is this recommneded over using an index? We would be querying across all articles... Nov 9, 2012 at 12:15
  • node(*) is usually not recommended for big datasets... if you have an index for users you could use that as a start point. Nov 9, 2012 at 19:43
  • so I take it I should create a numeric lucene index for each post, updating/incrementing it on each like? Does the REST API support this on Heroku? Nov 11, 2012 at 18:29

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