Here's a simplified example of the entries I have in the text files I'm reading --

Set1 1 2 3
Set2 6 7 8

I'm trying to write a function that can convert the above strings into a list of tuples --

[("Set1", [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]), ("Set2", [6.0, 7.0, 8.0])]

This is the function I've written --

parse_input :: String -> [(String, [Float])]
parse_input x = [ (head y, int2float (tail y)) | y <- splitinput ]
        int2float x = [ read a::Float | a <- x ]
        splitinput = [ words a | a <- lines x ]

What bothers me most about this code is the int2float part. It combs through a list of integers and one-by-one converts each one into a float.

Is there a more efficient way to convert a list of integers into a list of floats?


1 Answer 1


I am not clear about what do you mean by 'efficient way' for this case?

What you are trying to do is to convert [String] to [Float]. I think using read will do just fine. If you really have [Int] then you can use fromIntegral to get any instance of Num type. Just to point you should prefer map instead of list comprehension as it is more readable.

  • Thank you for your reply and help, Sativik. I just remembered that Haskell is a lazy language, and that this code only "combs" through the numbers when it needs them. I realized this when I ran this function on an infinite list. Nov 13, 2012 at 15:38

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