I wrote a piece of code to convert PHP's striplashes into valid Python [backslash] escapes:

cleaned = stringwithslashes
cleaned = cleaned.replace('\\n', '\n')
cleaned = cleaned.replace('\\r', '\n')
cleaned = cleaned.replace('\\', '')

How can I condense it?

6 Answers 6


Not totally sure this is what you want, but..

cleaned = stringwithslashes.decode('string_escape')

It sounds like what you want could be reasonably efficiently handled through regular expressions:

import re
def stripslashes(s):
    r = re.sub(r"\\(n|r)", "\n", s)
    r = re.sub(r"\\", "", r)
    return r
cleaned = stripslashes(stringwithslashes)

use decode('string_escape')

cleaned = stringwithslashes.decode('string_escape')


string_escape : Produce a string that is suitable as string literal in Python source code

or concatenate the replace() like Wilson´s answer.

cleaned = stringwithslashes.replace("\\","").replace("\\n","\n").replace("\\r","\n")

You can obviously concatenate everything together:

cleaned = stringwithslashes.replace("\\n","\n").replace("\\r","\n").replace("\\","")

Is that what you were after? Or were you hoping for something more terse?


This function did the job. One can not simply remove all the backslashes. Only specific sequences can be removed that are added by PHP addslashes.

def stripslashes(t: bytes):
    return t.replace(b'\\\\', b'\\').replace(b'\\\'', b'\'').replace(b'\\"', b'"').replace(b'\\0', b'\0')

To make it work for strings, just remove all "b" and "bytes".


Python has a built-in escape() function analogous to PHP's addslashes, but no unescape() function (stripslashes), which in my mind is kind of ridiculous.

Regular expressions to the rescue (code not tested):

p = re.compile( '\\(\\\S)')

In theory that takes anything of the form \\(not whitespace) and returns \(same char)

edit: Upon further inspection, Python regular expressions are broken as all hell;

>>> escapedstring
'This is a \\n\\n\\n test'
>>> p = re.compile( r'\\(\S)' )
>>> p.sub(r"\1",escapedstring)
'This is a nnn test'
>>> p.sub(r"\\1",escapedstring)
'This is a \\1\\1\\1 test'
>>> p.sub(r"\\\1",escapedstring)
'This is a \\n\\n\\n test'
>>> p.sub(r"\(\1)",escapedstring)
'This is a \\(n)\\(n)\\(n) test'

In conclusion, what the hell, Python.

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