Is it possible to get Author.objects.filter(surname__istartswith='Z') return results that also start with 'Ž', 'Ź' etc.?

The only solution that comes into my mind is to flatten surname with unicode transliteration and save it as surname_flat in db. Then Author.objects.filter(surname_flat__istartswith='Z') would work, but it requires database migration.

I'm using postgres.

  • Your approach is the one that I would use. Nov 26, 2012 at 11:54

1 Answer 1


The django-unaccent library has been written to provide the functionality you require.

By doing this however you are making your solution database-dependent, which may be an issue if you decide to move database engines in future.

Your solution to add an additional calculated column is the one that I would use, as this keeps your code db-independent. You can also index your column more effectively. Because the django-unaccent library uses a database-function-based search, it will do a column scan of your data every time you use it.

  • Thank you, this is robust solution, however database migration is less pain in my case, I will use calculated column approach.
    – zahory
    Nov 26, 2012 at 12:10

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