currently im writing a test for a report function the more functionality the project gets the more reports need to be written

in my case reports get a few 'search' paramters and limitations like number of rows or such

now my question: anyone knows how to generate test cases automatically for a function which has a well known set of possible parameters using phpunit?

i read about some tools like quickcheck for other languages but does automated test generation exist for php? or anyone has a suggestion how to automatically create tests?


4 Answers 4


PHPUnit has a test case class skeleton generator. Maybe it will help you.


Store the list of well-known parameters somewhere (in a dedicated file or in the unit-test source file, write a parameterized test-case and iterate over the parameters.


To generate basic PHPUnit files from your classes, you can use the PHPUnit skeleton generator.

Download it from :

Documentation is above : https://phpunit.de/manual/3.7/en/skeleton-generator.html


As alluded to by Ionut, skeleton generator is what you're looking for. Here's a nice tutorial...

Netbeans does it all with one click, if you're that way inclined.

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