Reg: JMeter Point-to-Point

Could you please tell how to get the QueueConnnectionFaction

And ContextConnectionFactory

Can anyone help me in configuring JNDI properties in JMS POINT-TO-POINT of JMETER

ERROR - jmeter.protocol.jms.sampler.JMSSampler: progress/message/jclient/TopicConnectionFactory java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: progress/message/jclient/TopicConnectionFactory

Please provide some solution.

  • Any news on my answer ? You should accept it if it was OK Jan 16, 2013 at 22:30

2 Answers 2


It seems you didn't put a dependency jar from your jms provider, see:

  • java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: progress/message/jclient/TopicConnectionFactory

The QueueConnnectionFactory is the container of the queues that is created before the queues. I used to use the Hermes JMS application to get this information but you could get it from WebLogic too.

For example, the next image shows my configuration, using the information of binding for the QueueConnectionFactory field, and using the information of initialContextFactory for the InitialContextFactory field, and do not forget to use the providerURL in the ProviderURL field.


In this example I am not getting the response. For this reason, I am only putting the name of my requester queue.

Ensure that the information is correct. In the JMS Properties you could use Headers for the request.



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