I'm using Emacs in Paredit mode for Lisp code.

I'm trying to wrap a function call in println:

(square 5)
(println (square 5))

What ends up happening in paredit is this:

(square 5)
(println) (square 5)

There is no way i can delete closing paren of println and move it to the end.

The way i'm doing it now is to: 1. delete function call and yank it within println 2. write println without paren, visually select code and enclose in parens

(square 5)
println (square 5)
=> select block of code and type (
(println (square 5))

Both of these approaches are tedious. This seems to be a common problem anytime i write code inside out in Paredit. Any help would be appreciated

  • 1
    You'd probably do well to read the short manual, instead of asking questions for features that are well documented. Jan 5, 2013 at 15:04

7 Answers 7


paredit-wrap-round command may help (bound to M-( in the paredit version I use).

  • M-( results in (println) (square 5) if i type println first. I just realized i have to wrap around first and then type println which isn't natural. Thanks!
    – Sathish
    Jan 5, 2013 at 9:46
  • Wrapping the parameter before adding the function call is completely natural once you get used to writing lisp.
    – event_jr
    Jan 5, 2013 at 13:07

In contrast to the other answers, I tend to use Ctrl-Right for this: after you get

(println|) (square 5)

(where | is where the cursor is), I simply press Ctrl-Right to get the correct result.



You can call paredit-insert-html-examples to generate a HTML webpage cheatsheet. One version is here.


Three ways to wrap a print form around a square form, in step-by-step progressions. (two ways of the three are already mentioned in other answers)

(1) Cut & type & paste

(+ (square 3) 4)
;;; make sure cursor is at right place (| is cursor)
(+ |(square 3) 4)
;;; mark-sexp and kill-region
(+ | 4)
;;; type the print form and make sure cursor is at right place
(+ (print |) 4)
;;; paste
(+ (print (square 3)) 4)

(2) type & slurf

(+ (square 3) 4)
;;; make sure cursor is at right place (| is cursor)
(+ |(square 3) 4)
;;; type the print form and make sure cursor is at right place
(+ (print|) (square 3) 4)
;;; paredit-forward-slurp-sexp
(+ (print (square 3)) 4)

(3) wrap & type

(+ (square 3) 4)
;;; make sure cursor is at right place (| is cursor)
(+ |(square 3) 4)
;;; paredit-wrap-round
(+ (|(square 3)) 4)
;;; type print
(+ (print (square 3)) 4)

Cut & type & paste is the most tedious. It doesn't depend on paredit and is the easiest to generalize to the case of wrapping a complex outer form around more than one inner forms which may be in multiline format, for example, turning

(let ((x 1))


(let ((x 1))
  (mapc (lambda (x)
        (list 1 2 3)))

by wrapping a mapc-over-lambda form around two oinks.

Type & slurf seems to be the most known. It can be generalized to the mapc-over-lambda case as well.

Wrap & type is the most easiest to type. When you generalize this to the map-over-lambda case, you select two oinks, and press ( to wrap it, and finish writing the lambda form, and select the lambda form, press ( to wrap it, type mapc, and you can use C-M-f to cross over the lambda form and type (list 1 2 3).


In your case the solution is M-2 M-( or M-( C-).


There are several ways of doing this. The way that I normally do this is type


which gets you


and then C-S-) which gets you


The best way to use paredit to start is to have the paredit cheatsheet on a piece of paper stuck to the side of your monitor. Or, you could also install paredit-menu which adds a menu item with tooltips showing the same examples the cheetsheet does.


I use M-C-(, which will immediately wrap the following sexp in parens.

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