I have such table

<table id="myTable">
    <td class="class1">aaa</td>
    <td class="class1">bbb</td>
    <td class="class1">ccc</td>

    <td class="class2">ddd</td>
    <td class="class2">eee</td>

    <td class="class1">fff</td>
    <td class="class1">ggg</td>
    <td class="class1">hhh</td>

    <td class="class2">iii</td>
    <td class="class2">jjj</td>

I want to give class name, and get the columns' indices, which has that class name.
For example I give "class 2" and get 3 and 4.
I tried this. But index gives me the last column's index number.

 var indices = $("#myTable tbody tr").first().children("td.class2").index();

I need an array that includes all index values.

2 Answers 2


Use .each().

var indices = [];
$("#myTable tbody tr").first().children("td.class2").each(function(){
// indices = [3, 4]

In modern web browsers you can use Array#map.

var indices = $("#myTable tbody tr").first().children("td.class2").get().map(function(self){
    return $(self).index();
  • There is no real need in using Array.map when jQuery has good cross-browser solution.
    – VisioN
    Jan 13, 2013 at 20:56
  • @VisioN, disagree. There is a need to know that these functions are available natively
    – Alexander
    Jan 13, 2013 at 21:01

You can use map() and index() methods:

var indices = $("#myTable tr:first td.class2").map(function(i) {
    return $(this).index();

console.log(indices); // [3, 4]
  • Being pedantic, .map() should return a jQuery object
    – Alexander
    Jan 13, 2013 at 20:59
  • @Alexander while get() returns native JS array out of it.
    – VisioN
    Jan 13, 2013 at 21:02
  • @VisioN, I know. But, my statement is still valid
    – Alexander
    Jan 13, 2013 at 21:04

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