I unziped the vim-fuzzyfinder and vim-l9 packages in my ~/.vimrc directory

[shetye@dev03 ~/.vim/vim-fuzzyfinder]$ls
autoload  doc  plugin
[shetye@dev03 ~/.vim]$cd vim-l9/
[shetye@dev03 ~/.vim/vim-l9]$ls
autoload  doc  plugin

Also i tried copying the same in my home directory. vim however does not detect this plugin.

E492: Not an editor command fuf-usage

E492: Not an editor command FufBuffer

I tried adding the directory ~/.vim/vim-fuzzyfinder, ~/.vim/vim-l9 to the $PATH env variable. That did not help either.

Any ideas on how to get fuzzyfinder going ?

  • 2
    I highly recommend you to use pathogen or vundle to manage your plugins, that structures the ~/.vim directory tree way more clearly. Jan 22, 2013 at 17:48

2 Answers 2


You should install it correctly to make it work. This is the file structure you should have:


Once you get to that point, you are supposed to type this command in Vim:

:helptags ~/.vim/doc

The .vim directory structure that you have created is a mix between traditional Vim (where all plugins are mixed together into single .vim/autoload/, .vim/plugin/, etc. directories) and the separation (into .vim/bundle/<pluginname>/autoload/) created by package managers like Pathogen or Vundle.

Either stick to the original layout (even though there are many proponents for the new package structure, the old one works just fine; it's just not as easy to uninstall a plugin), or install one of the mentioned package managers and adhere to their prescribed layout.

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