I am trying to to detect what causes massive spikes in our Java struts bases web application deployed in Jboss. I have used Yourkit and visualVM to take dumps and have analysed dumps but these spikes are momentary and by the time the dump is taken nothing remains.

Question is - is there a way to detect what is causing a spike in the runtime?

  • Check what operations are getting performed by your app when you see spike..
    – rai.skumar
    Jan 24, 2013 at 14:07
  • when GC runs there are chances of spike. Check that. Jan 24, 2013 at 14:13
  • What kind of spikes are you referring to? CPU usage?
    – ppeterka
    Jan 24, 2013 at 14:22
  • Heap Memory spike - which means large objects or numerous objects are getting created. CPU is fine
    – Soumya
    Jan 24, 2013 at 14:59

2 Answers 2


Here are a couple of ideas:

  • Examine your request logs to see if there is any correlation with the spikes and either request volumes or specific request types.

  • Run the JVM with GC logging enabled and look for correlations.

  • Enable your debug-level logging in your application and look for correlations. (Be cautious with this one because turning on more application logging could change performance characteristics.)

  • (On Linux / Unix) run vmstat and iostat and look for correlations with extra disc activity or swapping/paging.

If you have a spike in the object creation rate or in the number / size of non-garbage objects, this is most likely caused by your application rather than the JVM or operating system. There is a good chance that it is due to a transient change in the nature of the application's workload; e.g. it is getting a spike in the requests, or it there is some unusual request that involves creating a lot of objects. Focus on the request and application logs.

  • It's a Windows machine. Yes I guess I can turn on more logging in the application to see what is happening at that time. However the application has several pages and modules - all being used at the same time. So it's a bit tedious doing it that way. I was looking for tool that I can inject into the application which can log when some thread tries to create a lot of objects... or something in that line. Easier said than done probably :(
    – Soumya
    Jan 24, 2013 at 15:02

As most likely garbage collection can cause such an issue, I'd recommend enabling the garbage collection logging in the JVM using these command line options:

  • -Xloggc:<path and filename to log to>
  • -XX:+PrintGCDetails
  • Thanks. Sorry did you mean turning these ON will have an adverse effect on performance in the Live app?
    – Soumya
    Jan 24, 2013 at 15:00
  • @Soumya no, sorry if it was not clear. Though GC logging might need some disk IO, I don't think turning them on would make any significant performance issues. I rephrased the answer to be clearer.
    – ppeterka
    Jan 25, 2013 at 8:00

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