I have got some pdf documents that need to be printed to A4 paper.

I know there are options in my pdf reader (evince) to scale the document to fit the exact paper size it's printed to, and that works fine with printing to a file, too.

So there must be a CLI-solution to get this job done, right?

Whenever I want a pdf to be 2 pages on one sheet, I use

pdfnup in.pdf --nup 2x1 --outfile out.pdf

But that doesn't work – in.pdf is not scaled to fit, instead it's too tiny compared to the output of evince printed to a file. So how can I scale it before (or while) using pdfnup? It would be great if that worked for any input format, not just for A5. Thanks in advance for any answer!

Regards, LDer

1 Answer 1


Oh boy, I just figured something out on my own. Sorry for bothering anyone!

gs -o out.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sPAPERSIZE=a4 -dFIXEDMEDIA -dPDFFitPage -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 in.pdf

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