I'm familiar with $get() and $find(). But, I've just stumbled across some code I need to work on that calls a function $create(). I can't find anything online or in the code explaining it. The slightly modified call is here:

$create(namespace.aspnetclass, {id: 'foo', groupId: <%= groupId %>}, 
    null, null, $get('divContainer'));

What is $create() supposed to do? Right now, it is doing nothing.

1 Answer 1


$create is a shortcut for the Sys.Component.create() method that is part of the MS Ajax Library and is used to create components (often referred to as controls and behaviours)

$create(type, properties, events, references, element);
  • 3
    As a side note - I'd recommend ASP.NET AJAX in Action as a good reference on the library. New edition in the works as we speak - manning.com/gallo2
    – Russ Cam
    Sep 21, 2009 at 16:27

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