I have some text that consists of space separated arbitrary-length codes, example:


As a first step, I want to extract all of the codes that are 2 characters where the first character is an asterisk, and the second character is one of 3 different alternatives (let's say they're A, B & C). So after this step, in this example I would have as my list of matches *A and *B.

I tried using the following regex


...but of course, that doesn't work because the asterisk isn't considered part of a word. How can I do this in a readable, maintainable manner?

  • I'm glad you already have an answer but for my sake can you elaborate on the problem? Because I don't see the need for matching \b here when \s(\*[ABC])\s works just fine. Jan 31, 2013 at 4:00
  • @ByteBlast that wouldn't match at the start or end of the string....
    – Jon
    Jan 31, 2013 at 5:35

1 Answer 1


Use a positive lookbehind, and match either the begining of the string or a space character:

(<=^| )(\*[ABC])\b

See it here in action: http://regex101.com/r/wS5qS2

If all you care about is the capture group, you don't need the lookbehind. Just keep it out of your capture group:

(?:^| )(\*[ABC])\b

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