I have a formula in Sheet3 to look up a value from sheet1 and return it, but sometimes, if values are not in sheet1, I want it to check in sheet2. sheet1 and sheet2 have same data in column A:A, only columns have different values.


How can I modify the formula to check in sheet2 if there's not a match in sheet1?

3 Answers 3


Glad to hear from you again!) Try this please:

  • I eneded up changing formula to =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2&"MAN_CHANGE",Sheet1!A:D,4,FALSE),VLOOKUP(A2&"MAN_CHANGE",Sheet2!A:D,4,FALSE)) Since for previous formula Index(Sheet1!D:D, was still looking to grab value from there.
    – Mowgli
    Feb 1, 2013 at 20:19
  • @Mowgli I think that's the best case possible - when you're not just copy&paste the answer provided, but may easily adopt it fir your further needs with complete understanding WHAT & WHY)
    – Peter L.
    Feb 1, 2013 at 21:48

iferror will check for any error result from the index formula

=iferror(INDEX(Sheet1!D:D,MATCH(Sheet3!A2&"MAN_CHANGE",Sheet1!A:A,0)),"NOT FOUND")

Alternatively you could use isNA to search just for #N/A

=if(ISNA(INDEX(Sheet1!D:D,MATCH(Sheet3!A2&"MAN_CHANGE",Sheet1!A:A,0)),"NOT FOUND",INDEX(Sheet1!D:D,MATCH(Sheet3!A2&"MAN_CHANGE",Sheet1!A:A,0)))

I nested two INDEX,MATCH formulas and it worked.

=IFERROR(INDEX('Activity Report 11-30-17'!G:G,MATCH('Recon Report 11-30-17'!C2,'Activity Report 11-30-17'!D:D,0)),INDEX('Activity Report 11-30-17'!G:G,MATCH('Recon Report 11-30-17'!D2,'Activity Report 11-30-17'!D:D,0)))

  • That is just terrible, unreadable and impossible to maintain. Mar 19, 2019 at 3:58

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