This is a bit weird to me.

I have the following code:

      public static object[,] dbMultipleSingleQueries(string strDBPath, object[] oSQL)
       //This is needed for attaching a DB.
       object[,] objOut;
       objOut = new Object[1, 1];

        //Prepare DB connection string      
        strDBPath = "Data Source=" +
              @strDBPath +

        //SQL Objs
        SQLiteConnection dbConnection = new SQLiteConnection(strDBPath);
        SQLiteCommand dbCommand = null;
        SQLiteDataAdapter dbAdapter = null;
        DataTable table = new DataTable();
        //For looping
        int j = 0;
        //Conn str
        dbCommand = new SQLiteCommand(dbConnection);
        while (j < oSQL.Length)
          dbCommand.CommandText = oSQL[j].ToString();
          dbCommand.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
          if (j == (oSQL.Length - 1))
           dbAdapter = new SQLiteDataAdapter(dbCommand);
           objOut = table2Array(table);

           objOut[0, 0] = "Success!";
         catch (Exception e2)
          objOut[0, 0] = e2.StackTrace.ToString();
        dbConnection = null;

       catch (Exception e)
        objOut[0, 0] = e.StackTrace.ToString();
       return objOut;


which works perfectly if i feed my arguments from a spreadsheet like this:

    o = Application.Run("dbMultipleSingleQueries", "20130201.db", [test])

where [test] is a range in my workbook with queries that work and look something like this:

attach database 'a.db' as d1

select * from d1.main

now if i do the following in vba

    Option Explicit
    Sub Main()

    Dim sql(1 To 2, 1 To 1)

    sql(1, 1) = "attach database 'a.db' as d1"
    sql(2, 1) = "select * from d1.main"

    o = Application.Run("dbMultipleSingleQueries", "20130201.db", sql)

    End Sub

this does not work. i get a "Type Mismatch" error. Any input why would be a huge help this is driving me nuts!

1 Answer 1


Your function prototype specifies that the second argument needs to be of type "Object[]" - but you are passing a variant that probably thinks it is a string array, based on the assignment.

  • ok yes i had assumed this as well, but what is the solution? how do i pass it properly?
    – jason m
    Feb 5, 2013 at 3:42
  • Dim sql(1 to 2, 1 to 1) as object[], I assume. Doing this on ipad, no VBA handy right now... Let me know if this works...
    – Floris
    Feb 5, 2013 at 3:44
  • Thanks. Will try for sure in the morning.
    – jason m
    Feb 5, 2013 at 3:46

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