
I am familiar with the Android PopupMenu ability, but I want a popup that looks like this:enter image description here

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    Please take a little time to read the FAQ's (again, if you have already done so). SO is not a site where you ask solutions for what you need done. If you were mislead into thinking that, you were perhaps looking for a www.freelancer.com or something. Feb 12, 2013 at 14:16

1 Answer 1


Just a heads up, the Android Developers site (http://developer.android.com/index.html) has all of this explained in detail with tutorials. Try this:

AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);


builder.setItems(new CharSequence[] {"Copy Text", "Delete", "Details"} , 
    new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() 
        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { /* which is an index */ } 

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