
I have made a website and for some reason it works in IE 9 but none of the text is highlightable in Firefox 18 or Chrome and none of the links work. I have tried changing all the divs with links to have a z index of 999 I have validated the code with W3c, I have tried changing the tags used to decorate the links and tried different css but none of it works.

I just cannot find out what is wrong and it is a mystery why it works in IE, the worst browser.

If anyone could help I would be eternally grateful. I uploaded it here


Thank you


3 Answers 3


Try removing "z-index: -1" from the Wrapper Div. This solved the problem in Chrome and FF for me.


you have wrong property: #wrapper {z-index: -1} z-index can't be negative.

  • Oh my god your a genius! I couldn't work it out thank you! Why did it still work in IE? Feb 18, 2013 at 23:07
  • because it's "the worst browser" =)
    – starowere
    Feb 18, 2013 at 23:11

Remove z-index -1 from #wrapper and this will solve your problem, z-index should always be a positive number between 1 - 32767.

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