if I have some code like this:

def handler(self):

def connect(self, param):
   #do stuff...

def run(self, connector):
   self.runner = connector

What's evaluated first when I call self.run(self.connect)?

run with the stuff in connect already done? or connect with self.connect yet to be evaluated?

  • Have you tried putting in a print statements at the beginning of each function? Mar 6, 2013 at 20:00
  • Notice that you don't supply an argument for connect when you pass it to run. If connect were called, you'd get an error about the missing argument.
    – chepner
    Mar 6, 2013 at 20:32

2 Answers 2


Passing a function as a parameter does not call it:

In [105]: def f1(f):
   .....:     print 'hi'
   .....:     return f

In [106]: def f2():
   .....:     print 'hello'

In [107]: f1(f2)
Out[107]: <function __main__.f2>

of course, if you pass a function call to another function, what you're passing is the return value:

In [108]: f1(f2())

Note the order in which they are called: f2 is called first, and its return value is passed to f1.


None of the code in your question actually calls connect(), so the function is never invoked. All that self.run(self.connect) does is make self.runner a synonym for self.connect.

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