I want a include a very specific CAST/CASE in my query, but I'm not really sure how to do this. Here is my SQL LINE :


         type = 'aaa' OR
         type = 'bbb' OR
         type = 'ccc' OR
         type = 'ddd')

         AND (points NOT LIKE '-%')

         ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10

What I'm trying to perfom is that :

if   : 'type'_remove EXISTS and 'type'->data == 'type'_remove->data
then : Don't select the 'type' row.

Example, and what I want the query to select or not :

id    type          data  points
1     aaa            1      1     don't select : aaa_remove exists and data are the same
2     bbb            1      3     select       : bbb_remove exists BUT data aren't the same
3     ddd            1     -1     don't select : points IS LIKE '-%'
4     aaa_remove     1     -1
5     ddd            1     -3     don't select : points IS LIKE '-%'
6     bbb_remove     2     -1
7     ccc            1      1     select       : ccc_remove doesn't exists with the same data
  • 1
    If points is a numeric datatype, surely you simply check for < 0; if it isn't numeric, why isn't it?
    – Mark Baker
    Mar 7, 2013 at 11:23
  • Cool! Yeah points is a BIGINT(20) So yeah I'm going to do that :) Thinx
    – hawkidoki
    Mar 7, 2013 at 11:26

1 Answer 1


I would suggest using a field called removed, which would make the whole thing much easier/cleaner, but if you have your reasons, you could try this:

FROM `table` AS `outer`
    `outer`.`type` IN('aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc', 'ddd') AND
    `outer`.`points` >= 0 AND
        SELECT `inner`.`id`
        FROM `table` AS `inner`
            `inner`.`type` = CONCAT(`outer`.`type`, '_remove')  AND
            `inner`.`data` = `outer`.`data`
        LIMIT 1
    ) IS NULL
ORDER BY `outer`.`id` DESC

Also, if you're going to have the same basic setup for many types, you could just select type NOT LIKE '%_remove' instead of listing all the types you want.

  • Think you dude! I'm currently testing it
    – hawkidoki
    Mar 7, 2013 at 12:17

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