Is there a way to read from a Session variable without re-rendering the template when it changes?

The scenario:

I change the style of elements dynamically using jQuery, but when a new element is created I want to set its default style (I know I could call the same jQuery command when the element is rendered)


<template name="image">
    <!-- How can I avoid -height- being reactive -->
    <img src="img.jpg" style="height: {{height}}">

Templates.image.height = function() {
    return Session.get("height");

Templates.controls.events = {
    'click #btn': function() {
        // Change the height of all exiting images
        $("img").css({height: Session.get("height")});

I would like every new image added to have the height stored in the session variable without re-rendering the img. All the solutions I can think of feel like hacks.

  • I've edited my post, I'm not sure what you're doing with the button but to stop the image refreshing you can use isolate to change only s a small block
    – Tarang
    Mar 12, 2013 at 11:42

2 Answers 2


Session stores its values in Session.keys, but they're serialized. To deserialize them, you can use the parse function from https://github.com/meteor/meteor/blob/master/packages/session/session.js :

var parse = function (serialized) {
  if (serialized === undefined || serialized === 'undefined')
    return undefined;
  return EJSON.parse(serialized);

Then, instead of Session.get('key-name'), do: parse(Session.keys['key-name']). This should do the same as Session.get without invalidating any contexts. Putting all this together, here's an approach that seems to work:

Session._parse = function (serialized) {
  if (serialized === undefined || serialized === 'undefined')
    return undefined;
  return EJSON.parse(serialized);

Session.getNonReactive = function (key) {
  var self = this;
  return self._parse(self.keys[key]);

UPDATE 3/13/2013: Meteor just released v0.5.8, and with it a new function. Here's the new way to do this:

Session.getNonReactive = function (key) {
  return Deps.nonreactive(function () { return Session.get(key); });

UPDATE 15/2/2016 Meter is currently deprecated, though it still works. Use Tracker instead:

Session.getNonReactive = function (key) {
  return Tracker.nonreactive(function () { return Session.get(key); });

You can use preserve : http://docs.meteor.com/#template_preserve

Why not use only jquery or handlebars to handle the value, why both? With consistency so you can manage you're code better.

I could help you with an example if you posted some code up

Edit That example with your code

Your code using handlebars only:

<template name="image">
    <!-- How can I avoid -height- being reactive -->
    <img src="img.jpg" style="height:{{height}}">

Template.image.height = function() {
    return Session.get("height") || "0px"; //Default height is no session defined

Template.controls.events = {
    'click #btn': function() {
        //What does this do exactly?
        //$("img").css({height: Session.get("height")});


To prevent your whole template being re-rendered put your reactive variable {{height}} in a {{#isolate}}. See reactivity isolation: http://docs.meteor.com/#isolate

  • Sounds great. But as soon as I add {{#isolate}} inside style it doesn't render as expected. Did you try it?
    – Xyand
    Mar 12, 2013 at 12:16
  • I tried it again without isolate and I can't get the images to refresh/redraw: gist with the project I used to test that @ gist.github.com/anonymous/5142555
    – Tarang
    Mar 12, 2013 at 12:39
  • So with this i've moved the isolate abit so this should work as you want
    – Tarang
    Mar 12, 2013 at 12:41
  • But now the image gets re-rendered every time the size changes. This is what I wanted to avoid in the first place. See original code.
    – Xyand
    Mar 12, 2013 at 14:19
  • Please try the code in the gist to see if it re renders, I can't get it to redraw, maybe you're doing something jqueryey to the image?
    – Tarang
    Mar 12, 2013 at 14:21

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