I need to split a string into chunks according to a specific size. I cannot break words between chunks, so I need to catch when adding the next word will go over chunk size and start the next one (it's ok if a chunk is less than specified size).

Here is my working code, but I would like to find a more elegant way to do this.

def split_into_chunks_by_size(chunk_size, string)
  string_split_into_chunks = [""]
  string.split(" ").each do |word|
    if (string_split_into_chunks[-1].length + 1 + word.length > chunk_size)
      string_split_into_chunks << word
      string_split_into_chunks[-1] << " " + word
  return string_split_into_chunks

2 Answers 2


How about:

str = "split a string into chunks according to a specific size. Seems easy enough, but here is the catch: I cannot be breaking words between chunks, so I need to catch when adding the next word will go over chunk size and start the next one (its ok if a chunk is less than specified size)." 
=> ["split a string into ", "chunks according to a ", "specific size. Seems easy ", "enough, but here is the ", "catch: I cannot be ", "breaking words between ", "chunks, so I need to ", "catch when adding the ", "next word will go over ", "chunk size and start the ", "next one (its ok if a ", "chunk is less than ", "specified size)."]

Update after @sawa comment:


This is better as it doesn't require a string to end with \W

And it will handle words longer than specified length. Actually it will split them, but I assume this is desired behaviour

  • works great, thanks a lot! one more thing: can we trim trailing spaces right in here? Mar 14, 2013 at 5:23
  • 1
    This is close to good, but it always requires a \W character at the end. In your particular example, it worked because of the ) and . at the end, but without it, it won't work. Each chunk also necessarily ends with a \W character when it does not have to.
    – sawa
    Mar 14, 2013 at 6:20
  • Thank you for pointing this out. Updated the answer to solve this problems Mar 14, 2013 at 7:10
  • 1
    I ended up using /.{1,25}\z|.{1,25}\s|.{1,25}/. The /.{1,25}\z being a "catch all" at the end of the string.
    – XML Slayer
    Apr 17, 2018 at 15:49

@Yuriy, your alternation looks like trouble. How about:

str.scan /\S.{1,24}(?!\S)/
#=> ["split a string into", "chunks according to a", "specific size. Seems easy", "enough, but here is the", "catch: I cannot be", "breaking words between", "chunks, so I need to", "catch when adding the", "next word will go over", "chunk size and Start the", "next one (its ok if a", "chunk is less than", "specified size)."]
  • Yeah, this seems better, but it will truncate words longer than 25 symbols. Mar 19, 2013 at 14:41

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