I've been messing with this for a while now and it seems like no matter what I do my output is always truncated or "sorted" arbitrarily. Is moving the references around enough to swap the two elements? I'm trying to make it so that, if the current node's SSN field is larger than the previous one, link the previous one to the current one. This is how my code looks at the moment:

public void loadRecords() throws FileNotFoundException {

    Node head = null;
    Node prev = null;
    Node curr = null;
    Scanner fileRead = makeAFile(database);
    boolean sorted = false;
    while (fileRead.hasNext()) {
        head = new Node(fileRead.next(), fileRead.next(), fileRead.next());
        head.nextOne = prev;

        if (prev != null) {
            for (curr = head; curr != null; curr = curr.nextOne) {
                if ((curr).compareTo(prev) > 0) {

                    head.nextOne = prev.nextOne; //oops, there we go. used to be "head.nextOne = curr.nextOne".
                    prev = head; // not even sure if this is what I want
                    sorted = true;
                } else

        if (sorted != true) {
            prev = head;
        sorted = false;

1 Answer 1


You likely need something like this

                Node tmp = head.nextOne
                head.nextOne = prev.nextOne;
                prev.nextOne = tmp;

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