Is there a way to use findWhere and a not equal value (trying to use it vs criterias)?


Books.findWhere('sale' : true, 'category': ne('exclude me') )

I have a working solution, but was wondering if there was a way to use findWhere I find it simpler to read.

def result = Books.createCriteria().get{
            eq('sale', true)
            ne("category", 'exclude me')

2 Answers 2


You can use either the dynamic finder methods:

Books.findAllBySaleAndCategoryNotEqual(true, 'exclude me')

or the where queries (which use DetachedCriteria:

Books.findAll {
     (sale == true) && (category != 'exclude me')

I'm not aware of a way to do it with findWhere but there is a nice syntax for two-property dynamic finders where one is a boolean

Books.findSaleByCategoryNotEqual('exclude me')

(or findNotSaleBy... if you want sale to be false).

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