I followed this similar post. However, it didn't work and is giving me an error.

How can i create dynamic button click event on dynamic button?

The error is: "Non-invocable member 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.ImageButton.OnClientClick' cannot be used like a method."

The code I am trying is:

ImageButton appIcon2 = new ImageButton();
appIcon2.OnClientClick(){ }

2 Answers 2


on client click takes javascript function i.e myImgButton.OnClientClick="return confirm('Are you sure?');";

if you want to do "Click" function just do this

ImageButton appIcon2 = new ImageButton();
appIcon2.Click  += new System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventHandler(appIcon2_Click);

void appIcon2_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)


       // Your Code here


if you want to access this image button you can cast sender as image button as follows

void appIcon2_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)


       ImageButton imgBtn= sender as ImageButton;
       string id= imgBtn.ID;


OnClientClick accepts a string value i.e. it is supposed to point to a javascript code block.

you can either do this.

appIcon2.OnClientClick = "alert('s')";


appIcon2.OnClientClick = "myMethod()";

where myMethod() is a javascript function defined in the html head or body of the page i.e.

function myMethod(){

as for the link that you have posted, it simply says how can you directly add an event handler to a button. i.e.

protected void Page_Load(object sender , EventArgs)
   ImageButton appIcon2 = new ImageButton();
   appIcon2.Click += new System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventHandler(btn_Click);

void btn_Click(object sender, System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs e)
   //your logic

note that Click is an event. it is associated with server side controls

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