Lets say I have Person which has_many toys. Then I have a Toy which has_many colors. What I'm trying to do in my Person#show method is filter the toys that contain a range of colors.

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
 attr_accessible :name
 has_many :toys

class Toy < ActiveRecord::Base
 attr_accessible :size
 belongs_to :person
 has_many :colors

class Color < ActiveRecord::Base
 attr_accessible :color
 belongs_to :toy

Then in my PersonController I want to filter Toys be a range of colors.

class PersonController < ApplicationController
 def show
  @person = Person.find(params[:id])
  # Now I want to filter by toy colors that might be red or blue or purple or etc...
  # So when in my view I do @person.toys I know they only contain the filtered colors

And help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Still actively learning Rails.

1 Answer 1


If you want to go the DB approach you could do something like:

if params[:toy_colors].nil? 
  @toys = @person.toys
  colors = params[:toy_colors].split(',')
  # NOTE. You should obviously check that the colors array 
  # contains only expected colors to avoid any sql injection.
  @person.toys.joins(:colors).where('colors in ?', colors)

where the colors are passed in as a param eg.


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