
Do if/else statements affect performance?

Edit: Okay this is ridiculous

  • Your fella doesn't know JavaScript? There's no such this as if-then statements. if-else maybe.
    – elclanrs
    Mar 30, 2013 at 8:15
  • Why not write code in your hand? And that give a shoot
    – user2193789
    Mar 30, 2013 at 8:16

1 Answer 1


What your colleague is likely referring to is that in some cases assigning a variable every time is faster than checking some condition and then assigning it.

var a = 2;

function slower() {
    if (a !== 0)
        a = 0;

function faster() {
    a = 0;

Really though, it is pretty ridiculous to consider performance impact of a single if statement considering how powerful today's computers are.

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