The script goal is simple.

I have many directory which contains some captured traffic files. I want to run a command for each directory. So I came up with a script. But I don't know why the script is run only with the first match.

# Collect throughput from a group of directory containing capture files
# Group of directory can be specify by pattern
# Usage: ./collectThroughputList [regex]
#       [regex] is the name pattern of the group of directory

for DIR in $( ls -d $1 ); do
   if test -d "$DIR"; then
       echo Collecting throughputs from directory: "$DIR"
       ( sh collectThroughput.sh $DIR > $DIR.txt )
   echo Done\!

I try it with:

for DIR in $1; do


for DIR in `ls -d $1`; do


for DIR in $( ls -d "$1" ); do


for DIR in $( ls -d $1 ); do

But the result is the same. The for loop runs only one time.

Finally I found this one and did some tricks for it to work. However, I would like to know why my first script doesn't work.

find *Delay50ms* -type d -exec bash -c "cd '{}' && echo enter '{}' && ../collectThroughput.sh ../'{}' > ../'{}'.txt" \;

"*Delay*" is the directory pattern name that I want to run the command with. Thanks for pointing out the issues.


3 Answers 3


Since you want to find all sub-directories under $1, use it like this:

for DIR in $(find $1 -type d)


Most probably the problem you are encountering is due to the fact that you are trying to use some kind of pattern like * as argument to your script.

Running it with something like:

my_script *

What's happening here is, that the shell will expand * prior to calling your script. Thus after word splitting has been performed $1 in your script will just reference the first entry returned by ls.


Given the following directory layout:


Calling my_script * will result in:

my_script directory_a  directory_b directory_c

being called thus your loop just iterating over $(ls -d directory_a) which in fact is nothing else but directory_a alone.


To have the program run with $1=* you would have to escape the * prior to calling your script.

Try running:

my_script \*

To see it effectively does what it is intended to do then. This way $1 in your script will contain * instead of directory_a which most probably is the way you wanted your script to work.

  • Thanks for pointing out the problems. However, I don't like the solution since we have to do some tricks on the use of the script. It would later causes problems to the people following the project.
    – Ha Son Hai
    Apr 5, 2013 at 14:58

as mikyra has pointed out, the shell expands your argument * to all entries in your directory prior to passing it to your script.

if you want shell-expansion of your wildcards (e.g. * matches all but hidden files), you could simply leave the expansion to the shell and use the result, by iterating over all arguments, rather than just the first one:

for DIR in $@; do
   # ...

if you want to do the expansion yourself (e.g. because the pattern should be applied only to a pre-filtered list or to files in a different directory, or because you want regex-expansion rather than shell globbing), you have to protect the argument from being expanded by the shell, either using backslash notation (like mikyra's \*) or by using quotes (which is often easier to use):

my_script "*"

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