I have following sparql query(from the book, semantic web primer):

select ?n
    ?x rdf:type uni:Course;
        uni:isTaughtBy :949352
    ?c uni:name ?n .
    FILTER(?c=?x) .

In this case, I guess this code is same as the the following:

Select ?n
    ?x rdf:type uni:course;
        uni:isTaughtBy :949352 .
    ?x uni:name ?n .

Does this query lead to coding error?

2 Answers 2


No, I don't see why it should give you an error or produce wrong results. Just make sure to always use the right case (uni:Course vs. uni:course), as SPARQL is case sensitive.

To be honest, the first version seems rather obscure as it uses a FILTER without a real need for it. That said, you may further slim down your query if you wish:

    ?x rdf:type uni:Course;
       uni:isTaughtBy :949352;
       uni:name ?n .

However, keep in mind that saving characters does not always lead to improved readability.

  • Happy to help. Another improvement: You might try using SELECT DISTINCT to get a list without possible duplicates. Also, if you find my answer useful, you might consider accepting it.
    – cyroxx
    Apr 17, 2013 at 12:54

For your example yes the queries are identical and there would be no value in using a FILTER over a join.

However the reason why you might use the FILTER form is the difference in semantics between joins and the = operator

Joins require that the values of the variables be exactly the same RDF term, whereas = does value equality - do the values of RDF terms that represent the same value? This is primarily a concern when one/both of the values may have literal values

It's easier to see if you take a specific example, assume ?x=4 and ?c = 4.0 (which is a bad example for your query but illustrates the point)

?x = ?c would give true while a join would give no results because they are not the exact same term

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