I am using Solaris. The code where i am getting segmentation fault is inside .so .We have few static functions, basically these functions are callback functions. I set these functions as callback functions by passing its address to another function. Only for one of the function its address before passing as an argument looks correct , but after stepping into the function to set the function pointer, it changed into some junk pointer and calling the function by that pointer crashes. I am putting some sample code, its not the actual code, but it is similar to that.

In A.cpp, i have three callback functions

static void Func1(A* ptr)

static void Func2(A* ptr)

static void Func3(A* ptr)

In one register function, i assign these as callback functions

void vRegisterCallback(void (*ptrToFunc)(void*))

void Register()
    vRegisterCallback(void (*)(void*)Func1);
    vRegisterCallback(void (*)(void*)Func2);
    vRegisterCallback(void (*)(void*)Func3);

I register three function as like above.
Func1 pointer is valid, but when it is passed as an argument to vRegisterCallback. vRegisterCallback is having different address than Func1.

If I add a printf statement above it works with valid pointer sent to vRegisterCallback.
If I change the Func1 from static to non static it works...
If I change the .so to .a , it works.

Dont know what is the problem.

  • Are you generating position independent code (-fpic)?
    – aggsol
    Apr 17, 2013 at 11:37
  • I would suspect stack corruption. Add a watchpoint to the variable holding the function pointer and run your code within gdb.
    – trojanfoe
    Apr 17, 2013 at 11:41
  • I believe casting from one function pointer to another is a non-standard extension. So you will have to mention which compiler that is used. Perhaps your compiler does not support it.
    – Lundin
    Apr 17, 2013 at 11:43
  • 1
    Your program invokes undefined behavior: function pointers arr expected to be of type void (*)(void *) but actually they're of type void (*)(A *).
    – user529758
    Apr 17, 2013 at 11:48
  • Your example won't even compile. Apr 17, 2013 at 11:56


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