I am trying to submit a form (or a request) to do some tasks. The form doesn't have input field except a submit button.

I know it's kinda strange but I want to submit the form and get the data by using only php.

Is that possible?

My codes


   //do the stff I want......


<form id='formSubmitImage' name='submitImage' method='get' action='cm_ct_generate_preview.html'>
        echo "<table>";
          echo "<th>ID</th>";
          echo "<th>Type</th>";
          echo "<th>Name</th>";
          echo "<th>Image</th>";
          foreach($tests as $test){
              echo '<tr>';
                  echo '<td>';
                  echo $test['ID'];
                  echo '</td>';

                  echo '<td>';
                  echo $test['Type'];
                  echo '</td>';

                  echo '<td>';
                  echo $test['Name'];
                  echo '</td>';

                  echo '<td>';
                  echo $test['FileName'];
                  echo '</td>';
              echo '</tr>';
          echo "</table>";
          echo "<input type='submit' value='Set Images'></input><br>";

Are there any alternative way to do this? Thanks a lot!

  • IMHO, this smells bad. You should use the <a> tag do command actions in your application and forms. Jun 28, 2013 at 20:20

3 Answers 3


Instead of:

echo "<input type='submit' value='Set Images'></input><br>";

Why not:

echo "<button type='submit'>Set Images</button><br>";
  • yes but how do i verify if the user submit the form. I tried if($_GET['submitImage']) but it doesn't work.
    – Rouge
    Apr 22, 2013 at 19:03
  • change method attribute to POST, and then, in PHP: if($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST"). Apr 22, 2013 at 19:05

You can add a GET parameter to the end of your action URL (in your case it would then be something like cm_ct_generate_preview.html?submitImage=1 or you can add a hidden input field in the form and check if that is submitted, for example:

<input type="hidden" name="submitImage" value="1" />

As your form method is already set to GET it should be sent as a GET parameter.


If the user needs to activate it, let them just press the submit button. However if you want to do it automatically, you will need to use a little javascript. To send the data with it, you can just specify your inputs like this:

echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$test['ID'].'">';

the input fields will not appear but the data will be send like with an input field.

  • I don't need the hidden data. I just want to be able to submit the form without sending any input field data.
    – Rouge
    Apr 22, 2013 at 19:03
  • then you will need javascript to do the job.
    – Xandervr
    Apr 22, 2013 at 19:35

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