I am writing a program for my java class that displays a binary tree. However one of the problems I'm running into is that the program creates an infinite number of copies of itself when it's first executed. I'm fairly sure I know where the problem is, I just have no idea how to fix it. Any help is appreciated, thanks!

I think the problem is at the end of this constructor:

public Window_Controller() throws HeadlessException {


        setTitle("Binary Trees - Alpha Stage");
        setSize(1200, 700);
        setLocation(40, 0);

        incrementButton = new Button("+1", Color.white, deLoc - 47, y, 45);
        decrementButton = new Button("-1", Color.white, deLoc, y, 45);
        fullButton = new Button("Full Binary Tree", Color.cyan, x, y, 110);
        completeButton = new Button("Complete Binary Tree", Color.green, x + 130, y, 150);
        // I think this is the problem
        fullTree = new Full_Binary_Tree();

Because this class extends the Window_Controller class:

public class Full_Binary_Tree extends Window_Controller

    private static final long   serialVersionUID    = -3599016597017756766L;

    BinaryNode rootNode;
    BinaryNode current;
    BinaryNode leftNode;
    BinaryNode rightNode;

     * @throws HeadlessException
    public Full_Binary_Tree() throws HeadlessException


    public void add(int value)
        BinaryNode aNode = new BinaryNode(value);
        rootNode = aNode;
        current = rootNode;

    public void paint(Graphics g) {

        Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;

        g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
        g2d.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON);

        if(rootNode.getRightNode() == null) {
            g2d.drawLine(rootNode.getX() + 25, rootNode.getY() + 25, rootNode.getX() + 65, rootNode.getY() + 87);
            g2d.drawString("NULL", rootNode.getX() + 60, rootNode.getY() + 100);

        if(rootNode.getLeftNode() == null) {
            g2d.drawLine(rootNode.getX() + 25, rootNode.getY() + 25, rootNode.getX() - 15, rootNode.getY() + 87);
            g2d.drawString("NULL", rootNode.getX() - 42, rootNode.getY() + 100);

        if(current != null) {


I think what's happening is when the main() method calls the constructor and it reaches that line it calls the constructor in Full_Binary_Tree, which will call the constructor for the Window_Constructor class. Of course I could be wrong and the problem is completely unrelated to this.

  • 1
    You're correct - recursive object instantiation. Why do you even need the Window_Controller class?
    – home
    Apr 27, 2013 at 20:40
  • 1
    Yes that is the problem..But why are you calling fullTree = new Full_Binary_Tree(); within Window_Controller() constructor? Why not create a separate method within Window_Controller class where you create the object of FullTree and call that method via the object of Window_Controller in your program ?
    – Vishal K
    Apr 27, 2013 at 20:41
  • @home I'm using the Window_Controller class to create the window and buttons on it, the Full_Binary_Tree class handles the creation of the binary tree. @VishalK I'll try that and see if it works.
    – Robert
    Apr 27, 2013 at 20:50

1 Answer 1


Instead of creating Full_Binary_Tree object within Window_Controller constructor you should create separate method within Window_Controller class where you create the Full_Binary_Tree object. For example your code should be something like this:

public class Window_Controller
 public Window_Controller() throws HeadlessException {


        setTitle("Binary Trees - Alpha Stage");
        setSize(1200, 700);
        setLocation(40, 0);

        incrementButton = new Button("+1", Color.white, deLoc - 47, y, 45);
        decrementButton = new Button("-1", Color.white, deLoc, y, 45);
        fullButton = new Button("Full Binary Tree", Color.cyan, x, y, 110);
        completeButton = new Button("Complete Binary Tree", Color.green, x + 130, y, 150);
        // I think this is the problem
        //fullTree = new Full_Binary_Tree();//Don't create object of Full_Binary_Tree here.
  public synchronized void createFullBinaryTreeInstance()
    if (fullTree == null)
    fullTree = new Full_Binary_Tree();

Now, When you are creating Window_Controller object call createFullBinaryTreeInstance() method explicity after the creation of object . Like:

Window_Controller wController = new Window_Controller();
  • I could also use this to create a tree when a button is pressed with a method like this: private void fullAction(){ createFullBinaryTreeInstance(); } right?
    – Robert
    Apr 27, 2013 at 21:28
  • Yes, You could but You must call it using the instance of Window_Controller class. Like private void fullAction(){ wController.createFullBinaryTreeInstance(); } . Where wController is instance variable within the class where fullAction method is defined.
    – Vishal K
    Apr 27, 2013 at 21:34

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