As in the subject I need operator which will work with pointers so I do not have to call *a>*b but a>b. For example my operator << works with the pointers ok:

friend ostream& operator<< (ostream &wyjscie, Para const* ex){
    wyjscie << "(" << ex->wrt << ", " << ex->liczbaWystapien <<")"<< endl;
    return wyjscie;

but this one give me an error:

friend bool operator> (Para const *p1, Para const *p2){
        return p1->wrt > p2->wrt;

Error   1   error C2803: 'operator >' must have at least one formal parameter of class type
  • 1
    Is the error message not clear? Apr 30, 2013 at 2:05
  • Why do you have pointers? Apr 30, 2013 at 4:13

2 Answers 2


Unfortunately, there isn't a way to overload an operator with two pointer values. This has to do with the ambiguity of such an overloaded operator.

However, you can do this with references instead - but you'd still need to use the * operator if you want to keep pointers:

friend bool operator> (Para const &p1, Para const &p2){
    return p1.wrt > p2.wrt;
  • I have it like that but the problem is once template class gets string as T and the other time it gets Para* as T and then > is not comparing right thigs
    – Yoda
    Apr 30, 2013 at 2:11

Your overloaded << works because it is being called on an ostream object (ostream.operator<<()).

The pointer overload of operator < does not work because a pointer is not a class so the following is meaningless: (const Para*).operator<().

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