I'm making a little game for myself, and I want a void to fire for every 0.1 seconds that the UIButton is pressed down (e.g., if the button is pressed for 0.7 seconds, the void will fire 7 times within that timeframe).

Is this possisble with a UIButton or do I need to create subviews that will detect a touch? If I use a subview, how do I make the method fire for every 0.1 seconds that the UIButton is pressed for?

  • ^do the code within the void ([self DoVoid];) May 5, 2013 at 2:55
  • you mean method to fire/call May 5, 2013 at 2:59
  • yes, i want the method to call every 0.1 seconds that the UIButton is held down for :) May 5, 2013 at 3:00

1 Answer 1


You could add a selector for UIControlEventTouchDown that starts an NSTimer ticking at a 0.1 second interval and then stop it on UIControlEventTouchUpInside and/or UIControlEventTouchUpOutside. If you are concerned about stopping it while the user's finger is not over the control, you can hook up a cancel event to UIControlEventTouchDragExit as well.

The UIControl method to use is addTarget:action:forControlEvents:. Note that the last argument is a bitmask, so you can hook up all the cancel/stop scenarios in one line of code.


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