This is a program to parse some sites. The first site is site1. All the logic to parse that perticular site is located to (-> config :site1)

(ns program.core
    (require [net.cgrand.enlive-html :as html])) 

(def config 
        :url-encoding "iso-8859-1"
                    [[:td.PadMed (html/nth-of-type 1)] :table [:tr (html/nth-of-type 2)] 
                    [:td (html/nth-of-type 3)] [:span]]
                    (comp first :content) ; (first) to remove extra parenthese
                    [[:td.PadMed (html/nth-of-type 1)] :table :tr [:td (html/nth-of-type 2)] [:a]]
                    (comp first :content first :content)
                    [[:td.PadMed (html/nth-of-type 1)] :table :tr [:td (html/nth-of-type 2)] [:a]]
                    #(str "http://www.site.com" (:href (:attrs %)))
    ;=== Fetch fn ===;

    (defn fetch-encoded-url 
        ([url] (fetch-encoded-url url "utf-8"))
        ([url encoding] (-> url java.net.URL. 
                    (java.io.InputStreamReader. encoding)

Now I want to parse the pages contained in (-> config :site1 :site-url) In this example I use only the first url, but how can i design this to actually do kind of a master for for all the URLs?

(defn parse-element [element]
    (into [] (map (-> config :site1 :parsing-index element :trimming-fn)
                (-> config :site1 :site-url first)
                (-> config :site1 :url-encoding))
              (-> config :site1 :parsing-index element :selector)))))

(def element-lists
    (apply map vector
        (map parse-element (-> config :site1 :parsing-index keys))))

(def tagged-lists
    (into [] (for [element-list element-lists]
           (zipmap [:date :title :url] element-list))))

;==== Fn call ====
    (println tagged-lists)
  • 1
    Didn't you just ask the same question 4 hours earlier?
    – nansen
    May 5, 2013 at 20:44
  • Sorry about that. Just deleted the earlier question, thanks!
    – leontalbot
    May 5, 2013 at 21:55

1 Answer 1


Pass :site1 as an argument to parse-element and elements-list.

(defn parse-element [site element]
    (into [] (map (-> config site :parsing-index element :trimming-fn)
            (-> config site :site-url first)
            (-> config site :url-encoding))
          (-> config site :parsing-index element :selector)))))

(def element-lists [site]
    (apply map vector
        (map (partial parse-element site) (-> config site :parsing-index keys))))

And then map over :site1 :site2… keys.

Addendum in answer to the further question in the comments.

You could wrap the html/select in a map over the :site-urls. Something like:

(defn parse-element [site element]
  (let [site-urls (-> config site :site-url)]  
    (into [] (map (-> config site :parsing-index element :trimming-fn)
            (-> config site :url-encoding))
          (-> config site :parsing-index element :selector)))

(I hope I got the parens right.)

Then you'll probably need to check the :trimming-fn, in order for it to handle the nesting. An apply should suffice.

  • Great! And how can i do this, for multiple urls within a given site ? :site-url ["site1.com/page/1" "site1.com/page/2" "site1.com/page/3" "site1.com/page/4"]
    – leontalbot
    May 7, 2013 at 1:52
  • You will need to rewrite parse-element to map over the :site-url vector instead of taking but its first element by wrapping the whole html/select. See my edit.
    – i-blis
    May 7, 2013 at 2:13
  • @user1184248 Consider upvoting and/or accepting the answer if it fits your expectations.
    – i-blis
    May 7, 2013 at 2:25

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