Below is the html code for two radio buttons, they only differ by "value" attribute

<input id="AmountOption" name="AmountOption" type="radio" value="1">
<input id="AmountOption" name="AmountOption" type="radio" value="2">

What Im trying to do is to choose the radio button with "value =2 "

I tried using "choose("AmountOption")" which choses the first radio button, but i want to choose the second radio button

How can i achieve this with "choose("")" method provided by capybara.

Any other alternatives are also welcome.

Thanks in Advance

  • 3
    The id of an element should identify that element uniquely. This means your html is not valid right now. Can you change the id?
    – RST
    May 6, 2013 at 12:20

1 Answer 1


Look at implementation of choose:

def choose(locator, options={})
  find(:radio_button, locator, options).set(true)

So it's obvious that you should invoke method set on some element.

:radiobutton selector supports only id, name and label so you can't use it and should use some other selector type:

find('#AmountOption[value=2]').set(true) # selector type is :css by default
  • Found a better solution for selecting the second radio button. I used "browser.find_element("//input[@value='2']").click " . The radio button selected using this. Anyways Thanks for your answer Andrey :-)
    – Kalyan
    May 7, 2013 at 6:43
  • 2
    @Kalyan an equivalent of page.driver.browser.find_element("//input[@value='2']").click is find(:xpath, "//input[@value='2']").click May 7, 2013 at 7:50

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