I have a function like this:

def main2():
    props = []
    prop_list = []
    while (i < 10):
        new_prop = {
            'i': 1
        prop_list.append({'i': 1, 'props': props,})
        if i == 0:
            print prop_list
        i += 1
    print prop_list[0]

It outputs this:

[{'i': 1, 'props': [{'i': 1}]}]
{'i': 1, 'props': [{'i': 1}, {'i': 1}, {'i': 1}, {'i': 1}, {'i': 1}, {'i': 1}, {'i': 1}, {'i': 1}, {'i': 1}, {'i': 1}]}

Why is the final print not the same as the first print? The previously added elements in the list appear to be updating when I append a new element.

2 Answers 2


With this line,

prop_list.append({'i': 1, 'props': props,})

the dict includes the props list object. This list is mutated on subsequent iterations through the loop:


The final value printed for prop_list[0] reflects this change.

Here is the same thing in isolation:

In [23]: x = []

In [24]: y = {'foo': x}

In [25]: y
Out[25]: {'foo': []}

In [26]: z = {'baz': x}

In [27]: x.append('bar')    # x is mutated

In [28]: y                 
Out[28]: {'foo': ['bar']}   # both y and z are affected

In [29]: z
Out[29]: {'baz': ['bar']}

If you do not want this to happen, make a copy of the list. To make a shallow copy of props, use props[:]:

prop_list.append({'i': 1, 'props': props[:]})

Note that the shallow copy, props[:] is a new list containing the exact same items as props. That means if props contained a mutable item such as a list, mutating that list would affect both props and its shallow copy.

To make a deep copy of all the items in props (recursively), use

import copy
prop_list.append({'i': 1, 'props': copy.deepcopy(props)})
  • The props list object will change, but why would prop_list.append update prop_list[0]? shouldn't it just add prop_list[1], etc?
    – N. Taggart
    May 7, 2013 at 21:17
  • 1
    In Python variable names such as props "point" at objects. Each time through the loop, the variable name props is pointing to the very same object -- no copies of the object. Mutating that object affects all the places where that object exists.
    – unutbu
    May 7, 2013 at 21:20
  • 1
    @N.Taggart prop_list[0] holds a reference to the props object, so when that changes, it reflects in prop_list[0]. May 7, 2013 at 21:21
  • Ok, that makes sense. Since it's referencing the object and the object is changing... I get it. Thanks!
    – N. Taggart
    May 7, 2013 at 21:21

In the line

prop_list.append({'i': 1, 'props': props,})

the props always refers to the same object, initialised at the top

props = []

and appended to in each iteration of the while loop.

  • yes, the props object will iterate, but why would it update earlier list elements in prop_list? in this case, should prop_list[0] be equal to prop_list[1]?
    – N. Taggart
    May 7, 2013 at 21:19
  • 1
    It should indeed. All elements of prop_list are equal. May 7, 2013 at 21:22

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