After deploying Liferay war on WAS 7.0,

How to deploy any of the liferay plugins war?

I can deploy plugins war in a same way as I deployed Liferay portal war and it also shows that apllication is started and running but I can't see the portlet in Liferay's Add more option or any where.

Any Help is Appriciated.


  • see the log file, if deploy was success, then see the liferay-portlet.xml. May be the portlet is hidden.
    – Mark
    May 9, 2013 at 15:04
  • No It's not hidden. I guess need more configuration with WAS and deployed Liferay.
    – suyash
    May 10, 2013 at 12:34

1 Answer 1


You need to do it in two steps:

  1. Copy the portlet WAR file into Liferay's autodeploy directory. Liferay will process the plugin configuration files and generate a new WAR into a destination directory.
  2. Deploy this newly generated WAR using Websphere admin console.

The path where Liferay leaves the preprocessed WAR is configurable via the auto.deploy.* properties in the portal.properties file. Take a look there to see where to look for the file.

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