I have the following code which retrieves items from my DB and displays them in a table. The file is manage-products.php.

while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)){
       echo '</tr>';
       echo ' <td class="product"><a href="manage-products-2.php">'.$row[1].'</a></td>';
       echo'<td class="quantity">'.$row[5].'</td>';
       echo '<td class="item_price">'.$row[4].'</td>';
       echo '<td class="item_total">'.$row[6].'</td>';
       echo '<td class="item_unsold"><a href = "manage-products.php?prod = '.$row[0].'" style="color:red">Delete</a></td>';//to delete an item
       echo '</tr>';

I have the following code (which should be executed) when the DELETE link is clicked (also in manage-products.php)

$prodid = $_GET['prod'];

if($prodid != ""){
  echo '<script type="text/javascript"> 
  var r = window.confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this product") ;
  if(r == true){
    $ . post ( "manage-products.php" ,  { result : r });
  $delete = $_POST['result'];
  if($delete == true){
    $SQL1 = "DELETE FROM tbl_product WHERE id = '$prodid'";
    $result1 = mysql_query($SQL1);

When i click delete it says undefined index:prod. Please where is my error. Thanks


1 Answer 1


Do the confirm before reload, and delete the product during reload if it's happens, you'll be more performant.

Like this on the delete link :

echo '<td class="item_unsold"><a href = "manage-products.php?prod='.$row[0].'" style="color:red" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this product ?')">Delete</a></td>';//to delete an item

then when reload :

$prodid = $_GET['prod'];

if($prodid != "" && is_numeric($prodid)){
    $SQL1 = "DELETE FROM tbl_product WHERE id = '$prodid'";
    $result1 = mysql_query($SQL1);

Do not forget to sanitize variable (check numeric type) before delete ;)


Replace manage-products.php?prod = '.$row[0] by manage-products.php?prod='.$row[0]

  • Thanks but it still does nothing as before. It just prints undefined index: prod.
    – dhani
    May 15, 2013 at 16:34
  • print_r($row) and see what's contained in the 0 index
    – Pouki
    May 15, 2013 at 16:45
  • remove space in the called url, I've edited my post... Retry and it should works
    – Pouki
    May 15, 2013 at 16:47
  • i did print_r($row) contains the ids, so does print_r($_GET). I also removed the space but nothing changed.
    – dhani
    May 15, 2013 at 17:02

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